Tuesday, August 25, 2020
terror in french revolun essays
dread in french revolu'n papers The Terror, by and large perceived similar to the timespan of 1793 1794, considered a to be heightening of viciousness as distress strengthened, and the standards were consistently the main thrust behind the ruthlessness; their centrality didn't lessen, yet rather developed in quality as they supported the brutality. The standards that prompted the Revolution and in this manner its Terror stage began in the Age of Enlightenment, which was, as Wikipedia portrays, a scholarly development in eighteenth Century Europe. This period included the analysis of existing the norm, which implied testing set up establishments, for example, the congregation and the legislature. These erudite people accepted that answer for the universes issues was judicious reasoning, and thusly avoided religion and social structures like feudalism for deism and republics. The thoughts from the Enlightenment about religion and the legislature were brought through into the Revolution, and the Terror, where protection from them was met with severity. So as to completely value the Terror of the French Revolution, the upheaval itself must be investigated. There were a few foundations for the transformation, including the hatred of the Kings absolutist forces, harshness toward the unjustifiable primitive framework by the lower classes, the presentation of Enlightenment standards, unmanageable national obligations (both due to and worsening the tax assessment framework), and outrageous food deficiencies in the years legitimately before the upheaval. Franã §ois Mignet says this of the unrest: Somewhat the old request surrendered to its own inflexibility even with an evolving world; somewhat, it tumbled to the desire of a rising bourgeoisie, aligned with bothered laborers and workers and with people of all classes who had gone under the impact of the thoughts of the Enlightenment ... As the transformation continued and as force regressed from the government to authoritative ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Actor Essay Example For Students
The Actor Essay Moe MinkaraThe ActorWhat is acting, who are individuals which we can name on-screen characters? Truth be told we are largely on-screen characters. Each and every individual is an entertainer in his regular day to day existence. However acting can be partitioned into two sections relying upon an expert premise or every day one. Inside the expert acting there are two significant classes, Imitation and the craft of turning out to be. Impersonation, is the point at which an entertainer attempts to emulate or copy a specific character by talking a similar way and making comparable physical signals that the character him self would ordinarily do. However mimicking isn't sufficient in light of the fact that despite the fact that the entertainer emulates a character, he doesn't feel like him therefore making it difficult for the crowd to accept what they are seeing. Therefor the second most significant advance is for the on-screen character to accept and to turn into the character. For him to do as such, he needs to deliberately contemplate the character he wishes to act. He should concentrate each and every detail, full encapsulation, from the manner in which the on-screen character moves to the smallest tic he may have. Now and again on-screen characters should experience their parts, all things considered, whic h encourages them to become accustomed to and be OK with whom they are. One of the most significant factors in acting is Virtuosity, which is in way or another to exceed expectations in at least one thing, for example, the utilization of ones voice, or body. Virtuosity draws out the radiance in a character or just in an individual. The second most significant viewpoint is enchantment that brings under it nearness, attraction, and appeal. Enchantment is felt, and is viewed as all the more an inclination or a vibe that the entertainer sends to the crowd. So as to turn out to be acceptable on-screen characters, one needs to comprehend and have the option to utilize the entertainers instrument . The entertainers instruments can be best portrayed as controlling ones mind and can be partitioned in two fundamental parts physiological and mental. The most significant factor under physiological instrument is the voice, which incorporates how to inhale, talk, venture and control the numerous forces that one can control with his voice. Moreover, another principle f actor to be considered is the physiological instrument. This instrument is utilized to control ones physical unwinding, strong control, economy of activity, and expressive rhythms and development designs. All these assistance the character keep up a demonstration or hold stage all through a whole presentation. Creative mind and shock are significant weapons or force for an on-screen character. Helping the entertainer to carry reality and immediacy to the stage. However the most significant of everything is discipline. For the life of an entertainer is anything but an exceptionally simple life to lead. They require a great deal of work, fixation, and tolerance at the most dark hours of the day. They ought to be in charge of themselves and expertise to manage individuals and above all how to manage his colleagues. Being a restrained entertainer doesn't mean bondage, yet the individual in question is required to realize how to function thoroughly to build up their physiological and men tal instrument. Besides, another significant factor is the entertainers approach. Under this classification, there are two conventional techniques that entertainers generally follow. The first is the outside or specialized and the interior or honest. The outside technique is the point at which the entertainer carries on truly the job regardless of individual sentiments. Adherents to such an outside methodology treat the entertainers execution as a simple of reality as opposed to an immediate epitome of it. In opposition to this, the inner techniques center around the on-screen characters individual presumption of his character. These interior strategies will in general grow th mental elements of an exhibition and to help acclimatize the truth of the character being played. you should carry on with the life of your character in front of an audience . .u6dfb4b219d35dcbc66695e2029a8b258 , .u6dfb4b219d35dcbc66695e2029a8b258 .postImageUrl , .u6dfb4b219d35dcbc66695e2029a8b258 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u6dfb4b219d35dcbc66695e2029a8b258 , .u6dfb4b219d35dcbc66695e2029a8b258:hover , .u6dfb4b219d35dcbc66695e2029a8b258:visited , .u6dfb4b219d35dcbc66695e2029a8b258:active { border:0!important; } .u6dfb4b219d35dcbc66695e2029a8b258 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u6dfb4b219d35dcbc66695e2029a8b258 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u6dfb4b219d35dcbc66695e2029a8b258:active , .u6dfb4b219d35dcbc66695e2029a8b258:hover { haziness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u6dfb4b219d35dcbc66695e2029a8b258 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .u6dfb4b219d35dcbc66695e2029a8b258 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .u6dfb4b219d35dcbc66695e2029a8b258 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u6dfb4b219d35dcbc66695e2029a8b258 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/basic arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6dfb4b219d35dcbc66695e2029a8b258:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u6dfb4b219d3 5dcbc66695e2029a8b258 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u6dfb4b219d35dcbc66695e2029a8b258-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u6dfb4b219d35dcbc66695e2029a8b258:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Chromosome Probes EssayEvery on-screen character has a specific daily practice to follow made out of three phases, the inspecting, practice, lastly the exhibition. The first is the manner in which the on-screen character gets the job. The second is the manner in which the on-screen character learns it. The latter is the manner in which the on-screen character produces it. In trying out, it is crucial for the on-screen character to feel quiet with dealing with the job, expectation of conveyance, physical. Vocal, and enthusiastic reasonableness for the job. All these with a little appeal are an unquestionable requirement all together for him/her to deliver the enchantment which is required for the job. In practicing, the entertainer needs to learn by heart his job, and must be aquatinted with the character and attempt his/her best to encapsulate the character so as to arrive at a definitive goal of the job. The practice time frame is a period of experimentation and disclosure. The presentation, obviously is the compensation for all that the entertainer has experienced. However it's anything but a joke and ought to never be messed with. For a splendid practice can disintegrate before a crowd of people and the other way around. An entertainer should control his stage fear and let himself be removed with his presentation with no apprehensions. Nearness is the most significant factor in front of an audience, and for nearness to exist, the entertainer must be extremely certain of what he is and what he is doing in front of an audience. In particular a presentation is definitely not a single direction proclamation given from the phase to the house, it is a two way participatory correspondence between the on-screen characters and the crowd. The on-screen characters depict their developments and snickers, while the crowds depict their criticism with their quiet, giggling, adulation and consideration. It is fundamental to realize that an on-screen characters execution doesn't end with the play, it goes on until after the drapery call and above all the entertainer ought to gain from one execution and utilize his obtained information in his next exhibition. Taking everything into account, I can say that acting is a way of life all alone. As simple as it might appear, the life of an on-screen character is extreme and not generally as remunerating as one anticipates that it should be. A lifetime proficient profession in acting is the objective of numerous however the achievement of not many . Theater
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Differences Between Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation
Differences Between Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation Theories Cognitive Psychology Print Differences of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on July 13, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 15, 2020 Verywell / Joshua Seong More in Theories Cognitive Psychology Behavioral Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology Why do we do the things we do? What is it that drives our behaviors? Psychologists have proposed some different ways of thinking about motivation, including one method that involves looking at whether motivation arises from outside (extrinsic) or inside (intrinsic) the individual.?? While both types are important, researchers have found that intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation can have different effects on behaviors and how people pursue goals.?? In order to understand how these types of motivation influence human action, it is important to understand what each one is and how it works. 1:17 Is It Extrinsic or Intrinsic Motivation? What Is Extrinsic Motivation? Extrinsic motivation occurs when we are motivated to perform a behavior or engage in an activity to earn a reward or avoid punishment.?? In this case, you engage in behavior not because you enjoy it or because you find it satisfying, but in order to get something in return or avoid something unpleasant. Understanding Extrinsic Motivation What Is Intrinsic Motivation? Intrinsic motivation involves engaging in a behavior because it is personally rewarding; essentially, performing an activity for its own sake rather than the desire for some external reward. Essentially, the behavior itself is its own reward.?? Understanding Intrinsic Motivation Extrinsic Motivation Participating in a sport to win awards Cleaning your room to avoid being reprimanded by your parents Competing in a contest to win a scholarship Studying because you want to get a good grade Intrinsic Motivation Participating in a sport because you find the activity enjoyable Cleaning your room because you like tidying up Solving a word puzzle because you find the challenge fun and exciting Studying a subject you find fascinating Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Motivation: Which Is Best? The primary difference between the two types of motivation is that extrinsic motivation arises from outside of the individual while intrinsic motivation arises from within. Researchers have also found that the two types of motivation can differ in how effective they are at driving behavior.?? Some studies have demonstrated that offering excessive external rewards for an already internally rewarding behavior can lead to a reduction in intrinsic motivation, a phenomenon known as the overjustification effect. In one study, for example, children who were rewarded for playing with a toy they had already expressed interest in playing with became less interested in the item after being externally rewarded.?? This is not to suggest that extrinsic motivation is a bad thing. Extrinsic motivation can be beneficial in some situations. It can be particularly helpful in situations where a person needs to complete a task that they find unpleasant. However: External rewards can induce interest and participation in something in which the individual had no initial interest.Extrinsic rewards can be used to motivate people to acquire new skills or knowledge. Once these early skills have been learned, people may then become more intrinsically motivated to pursue the activity.External rewards can also be a source of feedback, allowing people to know when their performance has achieved a standard deserving of reinforcement. Extrinsic motivators should be avoided in situations where: The individual already finds the activity intrinsically rewardingOffering a reward might make a play activity seem more like work When to Use Extrinsic Motivation While most people would suggest that intrinsic motivation is best, it is not always possible in every situation. In some cases, people simply have no internal desire to engage in an activity. Excessive rewards may be problematic, but when used appropriately, extrinsic motivators can be a useful tool. For example, extrinsic motivation can be used to get people to complete a work task or school assignment in which they have no internal interest. Researchers have arrived at three primary conclusions with regards to extrinsic rewards and their influence on intrinsic motivation: Unexpected external rewards typically do not decrease intrinsic motivation.?? For example, if you get a good grade on a test because you enjoy learning about the subject and the teacher decides to reward you with a gift card to your favorite pizza place, your underlying motivation for learning about the subject will not be affected. However, this needs to be done with caution because people will sometimes come to expect such rewards.Praise can help increase internal motivation. Researchers have found that offering positive praise and feedback when people do something better in comparison to others can improve intrinsic motivation.??Intrinsic motivation will decrease, however, when external rewards are given for completing a particular task or only doing minimal work.?? For example, if parents heap lavish praise on their child every time he completes a simple task, he will become less intrinsically motivated to perform that task in the future. How Do Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation Influence Learning? Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation can also play a significant role in learning settings. Some experts argue that the traditional emphasis on external rewards such as grades, report cards, and gold stars undermines any existing intrinsic motivation that students might have. Others suggest that these extrinsic motivators help students feel more competent in the classroom, thus enhancing intrinsic motivation.?? A persons interest often survives when a reward is used neither to bribe nor to control but to signal a job well done, as in a most improved player award. If a reward boosts your feeling of competence after doing good work, your enjoyment of the task may increase. Rewards, rightly administered, can motivate high performance and creativity. And extrinsic rewards (such as scholarships, admissions, and jobs that often follow good grades) are here to stay, explains David G. Meyers in his text Psychology: Eighth Edition in Modules. A Word From Verywell While intrinsic motivation is often seen as the ideal, both extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation are important ways of driving behavior. To comprehend how these can be best utilized, it is important to understand some of the key differences between the two types of motivation including the overall impact that each can have on behavior.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay Personal Swot - 698 Words
Introduction This is my personal SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are both internal to the person or company. Opportunities and threats are both external to the person or company. Strengths I feel blessed to have some of these qualities in my ââ¬Å"cornerâ⬠so to speak. I donââ¬â¢t think I could have accomplished as much as I have if it werenââ¬â¢t for some of these strengths. * Strong math skills * Team player * Strong drive to improve weaknesses * Patient * Highly competitive Weaknesses I have worked hard to get where I currently am in life, but I feel some of my qualities have held me back. Since one of my strengths is a strong drive to improve myâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦* Being a UT student, I am exposed to many employment opportunities * With an accounting degree, my employment options are vast * Free education * The stock market is down (may be a good time and way to improve the money threat) Threats These are some current threats facing my life and my career, but they feed my need to become successful in life and my career. * Many intelligent students at UT (competition is high) * Life shortened do to incurable disease * Lack of money Steps to Turn Threats into Opportunities Before coming to a big school such as UT, I knew there would be many intelligent students, so I prepared myself by making the best grades possible, usually straight Aââ¬â¢s. Now that I am at UT, I have met my peers and most of them are very intelligent, which my competitive nature ââ¬Å"kicks inâ⬠and makes me try harder to get higher grades than my peers. Another threat is one toward my lifespan. I was diagnosed with diabetes when I was 12, I know that if I donââ¬â¢t eat right and exercise, my life will be significantly shortened. Currently, I consider myself in fair shape, but I am looking for ways to vastly improve. My first step is to find a quality bike to ride to the gym on the weekends and then to work. Also, I plan to watch what I eat, which includes reducing the amount of sweets, eliminating ââ¬Å"unhealthy foodsâ⬠, and eating less throughout the day.Show MoreRelatedSwot Analysis : My Personal Swot1746 Words à |à 7 PagesIntroduction: This paper is my personal SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis discusses four specific categories to evaluate a project, situation or in my case my personal and professional life (Hay, Castilla, 2006). In this analysis I will look at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that I need to address in my life. The concept of this type of analysis is a great way to find out ways to improve, but at the same time is a difficult task for someone like me who has a hard time outwardlyRead MorePersonal Swot Analysis1420 Words à |à 6 PagesSWOT Analysis:Evaluate Your 7 Strengths 7 Weaknesses When speaking about a SWOT Analysis, this is a way of doing some serious self-reflecting and figuring out what your internal as well as external strengths and weaknesses are. Think of it as a pro and con list about you! SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. While we are hesitant to use the word ââ¬Å"weaknessâ⬠as it is very negative, using the word ââ¬Å"shortcomingsâ⬠doesnââ¬â¢t make as catchy an acronym (SWOS) as SWOT! Read MorePersonal Swot Analysis Essay example1143 Words à |à 5 PagesPersonal SWOT Analysis The career objective that I have in my life is to have started my own business or be a owner of business. The information that follows will be presented in a SWOT analysis format that describes me and more in depth with my current career objective. My first topic will touch on my strengths, followed by my weakness, then opportunities, and finally threats to me not reaching my objective. Strengths My biggest strength toward reaching my objective is my tack that IRead MorePersonal Swot Analysis Essay1022 Words à |à 5 PagesPERSONAL SKILLS - SELF DIAGNOSTICS 1) Personal SWOT analysis. Strengths. à · Confident - I feel that I am a very confident person, in a number of different aspects. Im confident when presenting to a large crowd, confident in my academic ability, aswell as confident in putting my ideas across to another. à · Sociable - I am a very sociable person, and like to be around friends alot of the time. I am easy to get along with, and believe that people enjoy my company. I like to goRead MoreSwot Analysis of Personal Digital Assitants1287 Words à |à 6 PagesSWOT Analysis of PDA Introduction Personal Digital Assistant is a very promising consumer technology product, having great applications in various aspects of life. PDAs have various uses in calculation, accessing the Internet, sending /receiving E-mails, video recording, typewriting and word processing, writing on spreadsheets, scanning bar codes, playing computer games and recording survey responses. SWOT Analysis of a PDA: A PDA has a number of strengths to consolidate upon, but the lackRead MorePersonal SWOT Analysis994 Words à |à 4 Pages2. A SWOT analysis helps to identify the different things I bring to a potential employer, and a few things that are weaknesses that will work against me. The personal SWOT is as follows: Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Good education Lack of experience Banking More experienced candidates Financial experience Lack of mgmt. experience Non-banking opportunities Mediocre economy Work ethic No references? Move to a different area? Industry downturn Systems thinking Read MoreMy Personal Swot Analysis854 Words à |à 4 PagesIntroduction: SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. The aim of any SWOT analysis is to identify the key internal and external factors that are important to achieving the objective. The internal factors may be viewed as strengths or weaknesses depending upon their impact on the organizations objectives. What may represent strengths with respect to one objective may be weaknessesRead MorePersonal Swot Analysis : Leadership Skills1367 Words à |à 6 Pages To answer this question, I carried out a personal SWOT analysis as follows Strengths â⬠¢ Eloquent â⬠¢ Very ambitious â⬠¢ Excellent writing skills â⬠¢ Smart working â⬠¢ Good team player â⬠¢ Honest worker â⬠¢ Do not need push to follow through with some things Weaknesses â⬠¢ Not strong at multi-tasking â⬠¢ Not very good under pressure â⬠¢ Lack good leadership skills Opportunities â⬠¢ I can get a good job â⬠¢ I have enough room to learn from the experience of colleagues â⬠¢ Have good opportunity to work with peopleRead MorePersonal Marketing Plan Personal SWOT Analysis2389 Words à |à 10 PagesIntroduction Upon completion of my undergraduate degree in Aviation Management, I will pursue a career with a major airline. Not only will I realize a life long dream but also it will be a personal accomplishment in an academic road that was often complicated. Ideals may change, values do not and some things just take a little more time to achieve. Situation Analysis *Significant Life Events Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona solidified my passion for a career in aviationRead MoreSwot Analysis Of At T1243 Words à |à 5 PagesThe purpose of this paper is to perform a brief SWOT analysis of ATT, Inc. This analysis will assess some of the strengths and weaknesses in the organizations internal environment and also the opportunities and threats in its external environment. SWOT Analysis of ATT ATT, Inc. provides telecommunication services and products, including wireless communications, local exchange services, long-distance services, data/broadband and Internet services, video services, telecommunications equipment,
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The True Story About How to Write Essay about Myself That the Experts Dont Want You to Hear
The True Story About How to Write Essay about Myself That the Experts Don't Want You to Hear Want to Know More About How to Write Essay about Myself? Successful college essay writing always entails a detailed approach wherein students will need to concentrate thoroughly on specific individual demands of the essay. In preparing to compose a meaningful college essay students will need to plan how long they'll commit to every step of drafting, researching to the last steps of revising and submitting the last essay write ups. In scenarios where students have to select their own topics, the option of subject matter where the writer is well knowledgeable will be a best choice. Students who grasp the simple idea of a class but don't have enough time to compose a research report or essay can use a copywriting service to acquire the task done efficiently. Finding How to Write Essay about Myself Online Essays have many purposes, but the fundamental structure is the exact same. Candidat es should first collect some completely free study materials from the net, and follow the directions and ideas given there about how to compose an essay. The Hidden Treasure of How to Write Essay about Myself Essay writing is a challenging business whenever you're at college. Essays are sometimes a difficult assignment for many students. They must not be too long. The essay can talk about the differences of the quotes which can be found. If your essay is long or it's a dissertation, you must prepare tiny drafts of paragraphs and after that attempt to concentrate on each paragraph. Make certain you comprehend the essay question completely 2. Outline of your essay is quite important. Each section of the essay ought to have a particular function. Whatever They Told You About How to Write Essay about Myself Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why The most significant thing is that you justify all you say in your essay. On the last part, you may also compare the documentary with ot hers in the exact same genre or subject in order to produce readers have better comprehension of the review. You've been given the present to inspire people. For instance, if your essay topic is around the history of your city, your primary idea might be that the very first settlement of that area was a result of a nearby goldmine. 1 final tip to think about when looking for methods to get started writing the essay is to permit yourself to feel you don't wish to do it and take step one and do one thing with the promise that in the event that you don't wish to do anything else you don't need to. Many customized essay writing services will also supply you with a finished document that's recycled from previously composed work for different clients. In fact, the majority of the customized college essay writing services will offer you a paper that's recycled from a previously composed piece done for another customer. Details of How to Write Essay about Myself If you would like to purchase our essay services online, you should know our writers have the next capabilities. Do Your Research Another helpful essay writing tip is to make sure that you spend sufficient time looking into all the facets of your preferred topic. The author of a guide writes having in mind which he or she's writing for an extremely large audience comprising distinct kinds of people from all spheres of life. Irrespective of your plans after, being an excellent writer and crystal clear thinker will offer you a leg up your competition. What Does How to Write Essay about Myself Mean? Essentially, you will place your primary arguments here you will build upon in the principal body of your essay. Other critical points you have to consider whenever you're writing an essay is that in the event that you need to ensure it is attractive then begin with asking questions to the reader. A few of the essays require that you describe what's happening and a number of them are about why it's happe ning. You're not supposed to stop an essay in the midst of a popular matter. A writer should learn to compose an essay professionally. As an essayist you must be clear. An essay writer might be a student who's writing the essay for a component of academic curricula or an expert essay writer writing on a topic for publishing. He should always keep in mind that the essay should be well structured, and it should be written in a way that is well structured. New Step by Step Roadmap for How to Write Essay about Myself Even in the event you earn not much, you can definitely afford to get an essay at Top-Dissertations. More information about ways to compose an essay you'll be able to find at my essay writing blog. You are going to be able to compose your own essays effectively whenever you will need to. You ought not compose an extremely long essay or an extremely short one. At times you'll discover that isn't always possible, but if you become aware of part of your essay that co uld be revised using fewer words, it's always recommended. Ideally, you need to try to write something that makes value for your audience. Stasis theory is a wonderful way for writers to secure more info about a particular subject as a way to finish their work successfully. Essay service businesses stay updated with formats and popular topics. It is an array of thoughts and ideas. You should speak loud and clear so it is possible to be heard.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
An Ideal Performance Evaluation System Commerce Essay Free Essays
string(131) " those wary of confrontations and reverberations, may be tempted to dole out excessively many inactive, centrist evaluations \( e\." ââ¬Å" Most folks scoff at the thought that there might be a perfect system for making employee public presentation assessment. They think that since their organisation is ââ¬Å" alone, â⬠so their system for analysing employee public presentation must be alone, excessively. How foolish. We will write a custom essay sample on An Ideal Performance Evaluation System Commerce Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Do nââ¬â¢t jeer ââ¬â there is an ideal method for the appraisal procedure. In administrations that take employee public presentation assessment earnestly and utilize the procedure good, the system maps as an ongoing procedure ââ¬â non simply an one-year event. â⬠ââ¬â Dick Grote 1. Among Performance Appraisal experts, there is a important sum of understanding that there is an ideal rhythm that, if followed, will by and large bring forth superior consequences 1. The distinguishable stages or the figure of stairss of this rhythm, nevertheless, varies across the literature available. While Dick Grote identifies four distinct phases2, Stephen P Robbins 3 lineations six different stairss. Back place in India, direction expert, Subba Rao 4 divides the rhythm into nine stairss. Before showing an ideal public presentation rating system, it is of import to reexamine the assorted methods or techniques that have been developed along with the development of appraisal systems. A few of the of import 1s are outlined in the succeeding paragraphs. Methods and Techniques for Appraisal 2. Graphic Rating Scales. This is the simplest and most popular method for measuring public presentation and offers a high grade of structure.5. It compares single public presentation to an absolute criterion, with each employee trait or characteristic rated on a bipolar graduated table that normally has several points runing from ââ¬Å" hapless â⬠to ââ¬Å" first-class â⬠( or some similar agreement ) . The supervisor rates each subsidiary by circling or look intoing the mark that best describes his or her public presentation for each trait. The assigned values for the traits are so totalled. The traits assessed on these graduated tables include employee properties such as cooperation, communications ability, enterprise, promptness and proficient ( work accomplishments ) competency. The nature and range of the traits selected for inclusion is limited merely by the imaginativeness of the graduated table ââ¬Ës interior decorator, or by the administration ââ¬Ës demand to cognize. The one major proviso in choosing traits is that they should be in some manner relevant to the appraisee ââ¬Ës occupation. The traits selected by some administrations have been unwise and have resulted in legal action on the evidences of discrimination.6 3. Advantages. The following are the advantages of following this system: ââ¬â ( a ) Graphic Rater Scales are structured and standardised. This allows evaluations to be easy compared and contrasted ââ¬â even for full work forces. Each employee is subjected to the same basic assessment procedure and evaluation standards, with the same scope of responses. This encourages equality in intervention for all appraisees and imposes standard steps of public presentation across all parts of the organization.7 ( B ) Rating scale methods are besides really simple to utilize and understand. The construct of the evaluation graduated table makes obvious sense ; both valuators and appraisees have an intuitive grasp for the simple and efficient logic of the bipolar graduated table. The consequence is widespread credence and popularity for this attack. 4. Disadvantages. The major drawbacks of the evaluation graduated table have been discussed below: ââ¬â ( a ) Trait Relevance. The traits selected may non be relevant in the same grade across all occupations of the appraisees. For illustration, the trait ââ¬Å" instructional ability â⬠might non be really of import in a occupation that is tightly defined and stiffly structured. In such instances, a low assessment evaluation for the same may non intend that an employee lacks the ability. Rather, it may reflect the fact that an employee has few chances to utilize and expose that peculiar trait. ( B ) Systemic Disadvantage. Rating graduated tables, and the traits selected, by and large attempt to supply an overall appraisal standards or criterion for the apraisees. There is an premise that all the possible indexs of public presentation are included, and all false and irrelevant indexs are excluded. This is an premise really hard to turn out in pattern. It is possible that an employee ââ¬Ës public presentation may depend on factors that have non been included in the selected traits. Such employees may stop up with evaluations that do non genuinely or reasonably reflect their attempt or value to the organisation. Employees in this category are systemically disadvantaged by the evaluation graduated table method. ( degree Celsius ) Perceptual Errors. This includes assorted well-known jobs of selective perceptual experience ( such as the horns and halos consequence ) every bit good as jobs of sensed significance. Selective perceptual experience is the human inclination to do private and extremely subjective appraisals of what a individual is ââ¬Å" truly similar â⬠, and so seek grounds to back up that position ( while disregarding or understating grounds that might belie it ) . 8 In other words, we see in others what we want to see in them. An illustration is the supervisor who believes that an employee is inherently good ( halo consequence ) and so ignores grounds that might propose otherwise. On the other manus, a supervisor may hold formed the feeling that an employee is bad ( horns consequence ) . The supervisor becomes unreasonably rough in their appraisal of the employee and ever ready to knock and sabotage them. ( vitamin D ) Perceived Meaning. Problems of sensed significance occur when valuators do non portion the same sentiment about the significance of the selected traits and the linguistic communication used on the evaluation graduated tables. For illustration, to one valuator, an employee may show the trait of inaugural by describing work jobs to a supervisor. To another valuator, this might propose an inordinate dependance on supervisory aid ââ¬â and therefore a deficiency of enterprise. ( vitamin E ) Rating Mistakes. The job here is non so much mistakes in perceptual experience as mistakes in valuator opinion and motivation. Unlike perceptual mistakes, these mistakes may be ( at times ) deliberate. The most common evaluation mistake is cardinal inclination. Busy valuators, or those wary of confrontations and reverberations, may be tempted to dole out excessively many inactive, centrist evaluations ( e. You read "An Ideal Performance Evaluation System Commerce Essay" in category "Essay examples"g. ââ¬Å" satisfactory â⬠or ââ¬Å" equal â⬠) , irrespective of the existent public presentation of a subsidiary. Thus the spread of evaluations tends to clop overly around the center of the graduated table. This job is worsened in administrations where the assessment procedure does non bask strong direction support, or where the valuators do non experience confident with the undertaking of assessment. 5. Ranking Method. Ranking employees from best to pip on a trait or traits is another option. Since it is normally easier to separate between the worst and best employees, an alternation ranking method is most popular. First, list all subsidiaries to be rated, and so traverse out the names of any non known good plenty to rank. Then, on a signifier indicate the employee who is the highest on the characteristic being measured and besides the 1 who is the lowest. Then take the following highest and the following lowest, jumping between highest and lowest until all employees have been ranked. 9 6. Paired Comparison Method. In this method all possible braces of employees are formed.10 The judge indicates which single in each brace is a better performing artist. An employee ââ¬Ës rank is determined by the figure of times he or she is chosen as the better performing artist in a brace. The individual chosen most frequently is ranked foremost. Use of this method requires the comparing of many braces even when the entire figure of employees is non really big. This method helps to do the superior method more precise, though it is more complicated than consecutive ranking. 7. Checklist Methods. The checklist is a simple evaluation technique in which the supervisor is given a list of statements or words and asked to look into statements stand foring the features and public presentation of each employee. There are three types of checklist methods viz. , simple checklist, weighted, and forced pick method. ( a ) Simple Checklist. The checklist consists of a big figure of statements9 like ââ¬Å" is he punctual â⬠or ââ¬Å" is his behavior gracious â⬠etc. The rater cheques to bespeak if the behavior of an employee is positive or negative to each statement. Employee public presentation is rated on the footing of figure of positive cheques. The negative cheques are non considered. A trouble may originate because the words or statements may hold different significances to different raters. ( B ) Weighted Checklists. This involves burdening different points in the checklist, to bespeak that some are more of import than others. The public presentation evaluations are multiplied by the weights of the statements and the coefficients are added up. The leaden public presentation mark is compared with the overall appraisal criterions to happen out the overall public presentation of the person. However, it is expensive to plan, and clip consuming. Though this method is appraising every bit good as developmental, it has the basic job of the judge non cognizing the points which contribute most to successful public presentation. 8. Critical Incident Method. With this method the supervisor keeps a log of positive and negative illustrations ( critical incidents ) of a subsidiary ââ¬Ës work related behaviors. Every six months or so, supervisor and low-level meet to discourse the latter ââ¬Ës public presentation, utilizing the incidents as illustrations. This method has several advantages. It provides illustrations of good and hapless public presentation the supervisor can utilize to explicate the individual ââ¬Ës evaluation. It makes the supervisor think about the subsidiary ââ¬Ës assessment all during the twelvemonth ( so the evaluation does non merely reflect the employee ââ¬Ës most recent public presentation ) . The list provides illustrations of what specifically the subsidiary can make to extinguish lacks. The downside is that without some numerical evaluation, this method is non excessively utile for comparing employees or for salary determinations. Besides it is clip devouring for the judg es, and it may be difficult to quantify or construction the incidents into a concluding narrative rating. 9. Try or Free Form Appraisal. This method requires the trough to compose a short essay depicting each employee ââ¬Ës public presentation during the evaluation period. This format emphasises rating of overall public presentation, based on strengths/weaknesses of employee public presentation, instead than specific occupation dimensions. The downside is the clip involved, there is no common criterion, and the essay composing accomplishments may be unequal with different judges. 10. Group Appraisals. Under this an employee is appraised by a group of valuators, dwelling of the immediate supervisor, other supervisors who have close contact with the employees work, directors or caputs of section and advisers. The group appraises the public presentation based on comparing with set criterions, finds out divergences, discusses grounds thereof and suggests ways to better public presentation. This method is widely used for intents of publicity, demotion and retrenchment assessment. 11. Assessment Centre. This method was foremost developed by the German ground forces in1930. This is non a technique of public presentation assessment by itself but is a system, where appraisal of several persons is done by assorted experts, utilizing assorted techniques. Persons from assorted sections are brought together to pass two or three yearss working on an person or group assignment similar to the 1s they would be managing when promoted. Perceivers rank the public presentation of each participant in order to deserve. All assesses get an equal chance to demo their endowments and capablenesss and secure publicities based on virtue. The Centre besides enables persons working in low position sections to vie with people from good known sections and heighten their publicity opportunities. 12. Management by Aims. MBO requires the director to put specific mensurable ends with each employee and so sporadically discourse the latter ââ¬Ës advancement toward these ends. The term MBO by and large refers to a comprehensive and formal administration broad end scene and appraisal plan consisting of six stairss: ( a ) Set the administration ââ¬Ës end. ( B ) Set departmental ends. ( degree Celsius ) Discuss departmental ends ( vitamin D ) Define expected consequences and set single ends ( vitamin E ) Performance reappraisal. ( degree Fahrenheit ) Provide feedback. 13. There are three jobs with MBO: ( a ) Puting ill-defined ends ( B ) It is clip devouring ( degree Celsius ) Puting aims with the subsidiary turns into a jerk of war with the direction forcing for higher aims and the subsidiary forcing for lower 1s. The Ideal Performance Appraisal Cycle 14. Advisers who help administrations make effectual public presentation assessments, academicians who study the public presentation assessment procedure, human resource directors, and organizational development practicians with companies that have successfully developed their ain public presentation assessment systems come to the same decision: public presentation assessment does nââ¬â¢t get down with the signifier, it starts with the occupation ââ¬â planning what needs to be done and calculating out how it will be accomplished. 11 15. An organizational scheme is a requirement for developing an overall public presentation direction system. Before any appraisal of an person ââ¬Ës public presentation can be made, the administration ââ¬Ës way must be clarified and communicated. Until the end of the administration has non been decided, it would be bootless to make up oneââ¬â¢s mind the ends for single units or the worker ââ¬Ës public presentation appraisal criterions. Authoritative MBO ( Management by aims ) theory, the nucleus doctrine behind most successful assessment systems, begins with the demand that the administration formulate long term ends and strategic programs. These programs lead to overall organizational aims and the procedure continues downward to derivative aims for single units and subdivisions, boulder clay every member of the administration has specific and mensurable aims in consonant rhyme with the ends of the administration. Once an understanding is reached between the supervisor a nd the subsidiary on the occupation particulars, the following measure is to realize it, followed by the assessment, sooner by both the valuator and the appraisee. The reappraisal of the public presentation is done in a face to confront meeting. Thereafter the procedure begins afresh. Thus the ideal public presentation assessment rhythm can be divided into four stages: ââ¬â 16. The Evaluation Process. The rating procedure involves: ââ¬â ( a ) Performance Planning. An administration must hold its mission clearly defined prior to set abouting the public presentation assessment procedure. If the org does non hold a specific way, powerful attempts on the portion of its members wo nââ¬â¢t supply consequences. At the clip that a occupation is designed and a occupation description formulated, public presentation criterions should besides be developed for the place. These criterions and aims should be clear and adequate to be understood and measured. Obscure phrases should non be used to specify the criterions. 12 ( B ) Communicate Performance Expectations to Employees. The valuator and the appraisee meet to be after for the approaching twelvemonth. In the treatment, they come to an understanding about five major countries: ââ¬â ( I ) The cardinal answerabilities of the subsidiary ââ¬Ës occupation i.e. the major countries within which he is responsible for acquiring consequences. ( two ) The specific objectives the subsidiary will accomplish within each answerability country ( three ) The criterions that will be used to measure how good the subsidiary has achieved each aim. ( four ) The public presentation factors, competences etc that will be critical in finding how the consequences will be achieved ( how he will carry on the occupation ) . ( V ) The elements of the development program the low-level shall finish during the twelvemonth. 17. This treatment generates an improved employee public presentation as he knows precisely what is expected of them. Furthermore, the valuator can now keep the appraisee accountable. 18. Employee Performance Execution. Over the class of the twelvemonth, employee public presentation should be focused on accomplishing the ends, aims and cardinal duties of the occupation. The superior provides aid and feedback to the person so as to increase the chance of success and creates conditions that motivate and besides decide any jobs that may originate. 19. The valuator and the appraisee meet sporadically to reexamine advancement toward the programs and ends discussed in the employee public presentation planning meeting. The appraisee must seek out a feedback and the needed counsel for the hereafter. Besides elements of the program that have become disused are abandoned by common understanding and new aims to react to altering conditions are established. 20. Employee Performance Assessment. At the clip for the formal employee public presentation assessment, the valuator reflects on how good the subsidiary has performed over the class of the twelvemonth, assembles the assorted signifiers and paperwork that the organisation provides to do this appraisal, and fills them out. The Appraiser and appraisee independently measure the grade to which the different elements of the one-year program were achieved. The valuator completes an appraisal of the subsidiary ââ¬Ës public presentation and typically has it reviewed and approved by senior direction before discoursing it with the subsidiary. In an ideal system, the subsidiary besides completes a self appraisal, roll uping informations, if necessary, from equals, subsidiaries, and others. The subsidiary may subject the ego assessment to the valuator to be used as a portion of his overall appraisal. 21. Employee Performance Review. The valuator and the low-level meet, to reexamine their assessments. They discuss the consequences that were achieved and the public presentation factors that contributed to their achievement. The treatment includes: Consequences achieved ( what was done ) . Performance or behavioral effectivity ( how it was done ) . Overall public presentation appraisal. Development. At the terminal of the reappraisal meeting they set a day of the month to run into once more to keep an employee public presentation planning treatment for the approaching 12 months, get downing the procedure anew. 22. This public presentation assessment procedure non merely transforms employee public presentation direction from an one-year event to an ongoing rhythm, it besides tightly links the public presentation of each member with the mission and values of the administration as a whole. The existent value of the system is in concentrating everyone ââ¬Ës attending on what is truly of import i.e. the accomplishment of the administration ââ¬Ës strategic ends through presentation of the administration ââ¬Ës vision and values in each employee ââ¬Ës daily behavior. 23. In the best-run and most efficient administrations, employee public presentation assessment is a critical and vigorous direction tool. No other direction procedure has every bit much influence on persons ââ¬Ë callings and work lives. Employee public presentation assessment can concentrate each individual ââ¬Ës attending on the company ââ¬Ës mission, vision and values. Besides ideally, the procedure can reply the two cardinal inquiries that every individual individual in the organisation wants the replies to: What do you anticipate of me? And how am I making? ________________________________ 1. Richard C Grote ââ¬Å" Complete usher to appraisal systems â⬠2. Dick Grote ââ¬Å" htpp//ezine articles.com/expert: â⬠3. Stephen P Robbins ââ¬Å" Management of Human Resources â⬠4. Subba Rao ââ¬Å" Personnel/human Resource Management â⬠5. Archer North ââ¬Å" Performance assessment systems ; www.pasystems.com â⬠6. Ibid p8 7. Ibid p8 8. Ibid p10 9. Subba Rao ââ¬Å" Personnel/human Resource direction â⬠10. Fisher, Schoenfeldt, Shaw ââ¬Å" Human resource direction â⬠. 11 Richard C Grote ââ¬Å" Complete usher to appraisal systems â⬠12. Archer North ââ¬Å" Performance assessment systems ; www.pasystems.com â⬠How to cite An Ideal Performance Evaluation System Commerce Essay, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Shakespear free essay sample
Why does Shakespeare continue to be included on the teaching lists for schools worldwide? Shakespearean language has shaped the way the generations after him speak and use their language. The large vocabulary shows people how to use their language better. Many phrases that we use today come from Shakespeare and his writings, they give richness to our language. If school students didnt study Shakespearean works, then they would be lost for future generations, people wouldnt now where our language originated and how it has changed since.It shows that the proper way of speaking English isnt clumsy; its actually rich and vibrant. Why, in NEWS is Shakespeare a compulsory text? Because. .. How many productions of Shakespeare are currently being performed in NEWS and Australia? 13 in Australia and 7 are being played in NEWS. Why do filmmakers continue to re-Lange Shakespeare for film? Filmmakers continue to re-Lange Shakespeare for film because people have always been able to relate to the stories. We will write a custom essay sample on Shakespear or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Shakespearean writings may seem a bit far-fetched at times, but when you look at them closer they are everyday happenings, even In the modern world. People become attached to Shakespearean characters and in a sense, become involved in the plays-just by watching them. Filmmakers re-imagine them because they know that people get involved and love Shakespearean plays, what better way to make money then to re-leaning them! What elements of Shakespeare make his plays relevant of irrelevant for a modern audience?Although many people in the modern audience cant relate to Shakespearean plays, they have at least felt the feelings that the characters are experiencing. Feelings such as Jealousy and hatred and even love are the ones that a modern audience can relate to. The plays may be Irrelevant for a modern audience, If not modernized In some way as the language Is difficult for people In modern day society to understand. This would create loss of concentration while viewing a play and would take away the whole point of the person watching it.
Friday, March 20, 2020
5 Questions to Consider When Writing for Children
5 Questions to Consider When Writing for Children 5 Questions to Consider When Writing for Children 5 Questions to Consider When Writing for Children By Mark Nichol ââ¬Å"I want to write a book for childrenâ⬠gets you about as far as saying, ââ¬Å"I want to write fictionâ⬠or ââ¬Å"I want to write nonfiction.â⬠Itââ¬â¢s a start, but only that. There are many forms and genres and age groups to consider, and though you can certainly move fluidly among them, what youââ¬â¢re going to write right now needs more focus. As you develop your ideas for a childrenââ¬â¢s book, be sure to answer these questions: 1. What do you want to write about? Is your book going to be autobiographical or semiautobiographical? Is it about a natural phenomenon, or a historical event, or a social issue? It is about a cultural or artistic topic? Write a sentence no longer than any of the ones in this paragraph that summarizes what the book is about. Or step back even further and try a tagline like the snappy phrase on a movie poster or a bookââ¬â¢s back cover that encapsulates the theme. (The tagline for one story Iââ¬â¢ve been working on is simply ââ¬Å"Believe.â⬠Another theme is ââ¬Å"Friends donââ¬â¢t hesitate.â⬠) 2. What form will the story take? Is the book nonfiction, explaining a scientific concept or exploring an issue from the past or present? Or is it going to be a fictional account of a scientific discovery or a story that takes place during a significant historical event or cultural movement? Either form may serve the subject matter well, but you must decide which one this project will take before you develop the narrative. 3. Whatââ¬â¢s the target demographic? ââ¬Å"Childrenââ¬â¢s booksâ⬠is a huge category. Are you writing for beginning readers, elementary school students, preteens, or adolescents? Will children of one gender or another be more likely to read your book? Is it directed toward a certain ethnic group (but written in such a way that others donââ¬â¢t feel excluded)? Research reading levels and match your bookââ¬â¢s vocabulary to the intended age range. Decide who the ideal reader is, and check your work frequently to make sure youââ¬â¢re focusing on that child. If you repeatedly veer off, donââ¬â¢t try to force yourself to get back on target when itââ¬â¢s obviously not the right fit. Change the target. 4. Whatââ¬â¢s my word count? For very young children, picture books (generally 28 pages in a 32-page book with up to a few sentences on each page) are the norm. You should be able to tell your story or account in as little as a few dozen words for preschoolers to up to several hundred for seven- or eight-year-olds. Chapter books novels for readers this age or slightly older, might have up to a thousand words or so. Preteens can handle up to 40,000 words or so, and young teenagers about twice that; books for older adolescents, like those for adults, are often 100,000 words or more. 5. How do I want readers to feel? Basically, comfort young readers, and challenge older ones. For preadolescents of any age, nonfiction should not frighten children with stark facts about environmental crisis, for example, and fiction should not expose them to unhappy or uncomfortable circumstances. The violence and turmoil of the kind found in fairy tales and myths is acceptable, but real-life mayhem is off limits. Teenagers, on the other hand, are coming to grips with reality and can more or less handle more adult-themed materials as long as itââ¬â¢s not explicit or bleak. Psychological issues, familial and societal friction, and other mature themes are appropriate when handled evenhandedly. Even books for adolescents, however, should have upbeat conclusions. (Comeuppance for villains or reprobates is fine, but sympathetic characters, while they should be given obstacles and ordeals to overcome and can experience physical and psychological pain, should emerge from the story intact.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Homograph ExamplesAwoken or Awakened?Adverbs and Hyphens
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Life Is Beautiful (1997) - Movie Review
Life Is Beautiful (1997) - Movie Review When I first heard about the Italian movie Life Is Beautiful (La Vita e Bella), I was shocked to discover that it was a comedy about the Holocaust. The articles that appeared in the papers bespoke of many that found even the concept of the Holocaust portrayed as a comedy to be offensive. Others believed that it belittled the experiences of the Holocaust by inferring that the horrors could be ignored by a simple game. I, too, thought, how could a comedy about the Holocaust possibly be done well? What a fine line the director (Roberto Benigni) was walking when portraying such a horrendous subject as a comedy. Yet I also remembered my feelings to the two volumes of Maus by Art Spiegelman - a story of the Holocaust portrayed in comic-strip format. It was months before I dared read it, and only then because it was assigned reading in one of my college classes. Once I started reading, I couldnt put them down. I thought they were wonderful. I felt the format, surprisingly, added to the books power, rather than distracting from it. So, remembering this experience, I went to see Life Is Beautiful. Act 1: Love Although I had been wary of its format before the movie began, and I even fidgeted in my seat, wondering if I was too far from the screen to read the sub-titles, it took only minutes from the films beginning for me to be smiling as we met Guido (played by Roberto Benigni - also the writer and director). With a brilliant mixture of comedy and romance, Guido used flirtatious random encounters (with a few not so random ones) to meet and woo the school teacher Dora (played by Nicoletta Braschi - Benignis real-life wife), whom he calls Princess (Principessa in Italian). My favorite part of the movie is a masterful, yet hilarious, sequence of events involving a key, time, and a hat - youll understand what I mean when you see the film (I dont want to give too much away before you see it). Guido successfully charms Dora, even though she had been engaged to a fascist official, and gallantly retrieves her while riding on a green painted horse (the green paint on his uncles horse was the first act of anti-Semitism that is shown in the film and really the first time you learn that Guido is Jewish). During Act I, the movie-goer almost forgets he came to see a movie about the Holocaust. All that changes in Act 2. Act 2: The Holocaust The first act successfully creates the characters of Guido and Dora; the second act delves us into the problems of the times. Now Guido and Dora have a young son, Joshua (played by Giorgio Cantarini) who is bright, loved, and doesnt like to take baths. Even when Joshua points out a sign in a window that says Jews are not allowed, Guido makes up a story to protect his son from such discrimination. Soon the life of this warm and funny family is interrupted by deportation. While Dora is away, Guido and Joshua are taken and placed in cattle cars - even here, Guido tries to hide the truth from Joshua. But the truth is plain to the audience - you cry because you know what is really happening and yet smile through your tears at the obvious effort Guido is making to hide his own fears and calm his young son. Dora, who had not been picked up for deportation, chooses to board the train anyway in order to be with her family. When the train unloads at a camp, Guido and Joshua are separated from Dora. It is at this camp that Guido convinces Joshua they are to play a game. The game consists of 1,000 points and the winner gets a real military tank. The rules are made up as time goes on. The only one that is fooled is Joshua, not the audience, nor Guido. The effort and love that emanated from Guido are the messages relayed by the movie - not that the game would save your life. The conditions were real, and though the brutality was not shown as directly as in Schindlers List, it was still very much there. My Opinion In conclusion, I must say that I think Roberto Benigni (the writer, director, and actor) created a masterpiece that touches your heart - not only do your cheeks hurt from smiling/laughing, but your eyes burn from the tears. As Benigni himself stated, ...I am a comedian and my way is not to show directly. Just to evoke. This to me was wonderful, the balance to comedy with the tragedy.* Academy Awards On March 21, 1999, Life Is Beautiful won Academy Awards for . . . Best Actor (Roberto Benigni)Best Foreign Language FilmOriginal Dramatic Score (Nicola Piovani) * Roberto Benigni as quoted in Michael Okwu, Life Is Beautiful Through Roberto Benignis Eyes, CNN 23 Oct. 1998 (http://cnn.com/SHOWBIZ/Movies/9810/23/life.is.beautiful/index.html).
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18
Letter - Essay Example As for my country, I would like to come up with the best health care plan in the world where every citizen is entitled to free medical healthcare. With a healthy nation, the currency will increase in value thus, improving the economic level. For me to reach the presidency, people in my Arabian community would have had a greater share of me. This is only possible if I am their Governor. Following the discussions I had with a number of governors in Saudi Arabia, my people have been deprived their rights for a very long time. A time for change has come and with his guidance, I will sail through. During my years in college, I had started a community based group called ââ¬Å"The Young Flamesâ⬠which encourages young people to spearhead for real change and fight injustice. We have been able to reclaim over a hundred youths who had sunk into drug abuse and with this we thank ourselves. After college, I want to improve our group for it to become a national movement in future and am certain of this. My political science course has been the most enjoyable and with it, change is going to be
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Writing a Rabbi Sermon Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Writing a Rabbi Sermon - Research Paper Example The word Hanukkah signifies re-dedication and celebrates the Jews fight for religious sovereignty. Hanukkah is the celebration of Lights for the Jews, and it goes back to more than two thousand years before the start of Christianity. The Jews light the Menorah to commemorate the time when the Maccabees regained back the control of the Holy Temple from their captors. The conquerors had done nasty things to taint the Temple, including bringing gods; the Maccabees re-established the cleanliness and the service of the house of G-d. The Maccabees had only one small flask of the special olive oil in their possession which they used for lighting the large golden Menorah. Unbelievably, the little bottle was used for eight days. Three different blessings are recited before lighting on the first night of Chanukah; the modern day Rabbis can also recite the blessings in their families. The three blessings are: The Chanukah menorah is put on after nightfall; it implies that every Jewish role is to light the darkness of the world. It can be hard for rabbis to identify with godliness in their daily lives, but Chanukah reminds everyone that the light of understanding can shine brightly. The Chanukah light can be lit in the doorway or front window in order for it to be seen by people passing on the street. It teaches all believers that it is not sufficient to bring light into their private domain; they must spread the light of Torah to other people as well, to the degree that their influence can go. For every night of Chanukah, participants added light to the menorah, till the lamps shone on the last night. It symbolizes that in issues concerning holiness; every person should always be increasing. Each additional flame must signify added strength in solidifying our dedication to the significances and customs of the Jewish way of life. Every day must be used to rededicate our lives to a noble course that signifies our faith. As Chanukah is a holiday of re-dedication, we
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Life And Health Insurance In Malaysia Economics Essay
Life And Health Insurance In Malaysia Economics Essay INTRODUCTION Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) took over the supervision of the insurance industry in 1988. The primary reason for the move was to enable an integrated approach in the regulation and supervision of major financial institutions, in view of the growing convergence of crossholdings and integration of interests between banks and insurance companies. The economic environment may have a profound effect on the growth of the insurance industry. In Malaysia, the performance of the insurance industry in 1998 was affected by an economic downturn. The total and non-life premium income declined by 2.1% and 9.7% respectively whereas the life premium income experienced a lower positive growth rate of 4.6% in 1998 (1997: 13.5%) (BNM, 1999-2000). In line with the sustained economic recovery, the life insurance industry rebounded strongly to register an impressive double-digit premium growth in 1999, soaring well above pre-crisis levels. The performance of the insurance industry showed an improvement in 1999 following the recovery of the Malaysian economy. The combined premium income of the insurance industry recorded a growth of 8.5% (1998: -2.1%) to reach RM11,829.9 million (1998: RM10,902.9 million). The life sector has been the major contributor accounting for RM7,152.7 million (1998: RM6,217.2 million) or 60.5% of the premium income, while the remaining balance of RM4,677.2 million (1998: RM4,685.7 million) represented premium income generated from the general sector. Premium income of the industry as a proportion of nominal gross national product (GNP) increased to 4.2% in 1999, compared with 4.1% in 1998. BACKGROUND OF RESEARCH In Malaysia, BNM Annual Report that been issued yearly regularly indicate policies and development of insurance market in Malaysia. to implement policies and measures to prepare the industry for the challenges posed by the new requirements of the new economy and the increasingly more liberalised market environment. Several measures were initiated directed at improving market penetration through the promotion of new life insurance products and in order to do that the process of formulating and identifying strategies need to be done to enhance the marketing channel for life insurance business so that it can achieve the desired penetration level and raking in all the advantages given by positive economic environment. In order to do that, first step that need to be taken is to identify which macroeconomic variables that really positively significant to the demand of life and health insurance market and from there on best formulation and strategies can be initiated to create accurate resu lt on the demand of life and health insurance market. Efforts were also made by Bank Negara Malaysia to enhance the discipline and standards of conduct amongst life insurer in Malaysia. Problem Statement Statistical data from BNM has shown that due to economic downturn in 1998, the performance of insurance industry in Malaysia reportedly experienced negative growth of -2.1%. Generally, it shows that economic environment may possibly have direct influence on the performance of insurance industry in Malaysia as a whole. The combined premium income of the insurance industry recorded a growth of 8.5% in 1999 following the economic recovery situation. The life and health sector has been the major contributor accounting for RM7,152.7 million or 60.5% of the premium income, while the remaining balance of RM4,677.2 million represented premium income generated from the general sector. However, despite the vast potential for growth given the relatively low market penetration in Malaysia, domestic premium income to GNP was comparatively lower than that observed in more saturated markets. This research need to done so that it can specifically identified which macroeconomic variables that really effect the growth of life and health sector in Malaysia in order to ensure that it can contribute clearly to developing pricing strategies to achieve a specific sales target for life and health business. Macroeconomics is the study of the behavior of the overall economy and economic models normally consist of variables such as real GDP, inflation, price and population density. This study attempts to examine the relationship between macroeconomic variable to performance and demand of life and health insurance industry in Malaysia by using the LS analysis to prove that certain key macroeconomic environment may have a profound and significant effect on the growth of the life and health insurance market. As in the context of Malaysia, few studies has been carried out to seek evidence of the relationship between macroeconomic variables and performance of life insurance industry from Malaysia perspective but various studies comes out with various results as they are using different period of data and did not include health insurance data like this research and also holds different and various macroeconomic variable. Study by Lim and Haberman (2002) indicate major findings of this study that the savings deposits rate and price change in insurance are two important macroeconomic variables associated with the demand for life insurance in Malaysia. Study conducted by Rubayah and Zaidi (2000) indicate that income has a positive relationship with life insurance demand. Life insurance becomes more affordable when income increases. They examine two types of income variable in their study, namely GDP and income per capita. Income per capita is defined as the GDP divided by the size of the popul ation but on the other hand, their finding also show an insignificant positive relationship between inflation rates and the performance of life insurance. Economists use these type of data and variables to measure the performance of an economy and the focus on macroeconomic variables in this paper are, price of the life and health insurance product, inflation rates, income per capita and population density. This study is to further examined the direct linkage between these economic environments and whether each one of key variables (price of the life and health insurance product, inflation rates, income per capita and population density) has direct influence on the performance of life and health insurance in Malaysia. Research objective The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of various macroeconomic variables towards performance of life and health insurance market in Malaysia.. The specific aims of this study are: To determine which various macroeconomic variables that might have influence on the performance of life and health insurance market in Malaysia To examine the relationship of each macroeconomic variables ie price of the product, income per capita, inflation rates and population density with the performance of life and health insurance market in Malaysia To identify which macroeconomic variables that influence the performance of life and health insurance in Malaysia the most. To suggest the most suitable and appropriate strategies that can be used to improve the performance of life and health insurance market in Malaysia by using all the advantages given by positive economic environment Research Question How to determine which macroeconomic variables that influence the performance of life and health insurance in Malaysia? Is there any relationship between each macroeconomic variables ie price of the product, income per capita, inflation rates and population density with the performance of life and health insurance market in Malaysia Which macroeconomic variables that influence the performance of life and health insurance in Malaysia the most? What are the most suitable strategies that can be suggested to improve the performance of life and health insurance market in Malaysia by using all the advantages given by positive economic environment? Significance of Research/ Contribution to the body of knowledge There is no unique and integrated theory for life insurance demand. Research on the impact of macroeconomic variables towards performance of life and health insurance industry in Malaysia very scanty at best. Very little (if at all) is understood about the. urgent need for research focusing on the Malaysian industry and the Malaysian economic environment, which is unfamiliar to most readers. Hence, important impetuses for this research are established. 1. The Government This research is important for the government to formulate policies, acts and regulations for the improvement on the best strategies available in a suitable economic environment in order to develop and guide healthy demand on the insurance industry as a whole. 2. The University/ Academician This study will be used for reference and information for the students and academician who learn on insurance area, risk management or other related fields. Students and lecturers can have an extra knowledge on information provided by the researcher. 3. Management team of Life insurer in Malaysia This research is important for the management team Life Office especially if changes or corrective actions are required due to the changes in various economic environments occur in Malaysia or globally. Hopefully, this research can help the management team of Life insurer in Malaysia able to implement and generate new strategies with regard to the suitable current economic environment. 4. General Public Public must know the factors that influence their purchase decision of life and health policy offered in the market. Besides, they also need to be alert and aware on the coverage offered by Life insurer in Malaysia. This research will help them to really identify the needs to buy life and health product and there is also a growing awareness among Malaysians of individual responsibility in financial planning hence it directly will affect the demand of the said industry. 5. The Researcher By completing this research, the researcher has experienced and being exposed to view the economics side on the insurance industry as a whole and specifically on life and health sector which the researcher have never attempt before. It is a researcher attempt to view as a macroeconomists attempt in order to explain the economic side of this sector and to devise policies to improve its performance as economists use different models to examine different issues. Thus, other researcher might need the information to make their research in the future. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW The performance for insurance is influenced by many factors and economic factors might be one of them. For example, inflation rate, income per capita and price of the product may affect the performance for insurance in a country. A number of studies have examined the effects of macroeconomic factors on the performance for life and health insurance. Among them are the studies conducted by Cargill and Troxel (1979), Babbel (1985), Browne and Kim (1993), Outreville (1996) and Rubayah and Zaidi (2000). The macroeconomic factors investigated in these studies are highlighted and discussed in brief below. Financial Development. The findings of Outreville (1996) indicate that the level of financial development directly affects the development of life insurance sector. However, the findings are not statistically significant. Two different proxies have been used as a measurement for financial development. The first one is the ratio of quasi-money (M2-M1) to broad money (M2). This is an indicator for the complexity of financial structure. The second one is the broad definition of money (M2). It is an average value over four years. M2 is regarded as an adequate measure for the financial development in developing countries because banking is the predominant sector in the financial market of developing countries. Income. Lewis (1989), Hakansson (1969), Fischer (1973), Fortune (1973), and Campbell (1980) have shown that the demand for life insurance is positively correlated with income. As income increases, life insurance becomes more affordable. In addition, the need for life insurance increases with income as it protects dependents against the loss of expected future income due to premature death of the wage earner. According to prior research (Beenstock, Dickinson, and Khajuria (1986), Browne and Kim (1993), Outreville (1996) the ability to pay insurance premium has been argued to be related to the level of income. This is because, when there is an increase of income levels, there follows a need for a financial instrument to absorb the individualà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s surplus funds and to enable them to accumulate wealth. This shows the income level significantly affects the demand for life insurance. Two different measures have been used for disposable personal income in the study of Babbel (1985). The single-year income is used as a proxy for human capital and the three-year moving average income is used as a proxy for permanent income. The income variables are the real amounts of aggregate disposable personal income. The nominal income values are deflated by the yearly average indices of personal consumption expenditure deflator to render the nominal values in constant dollar terms. . The conclusion from Cargill and Troxel (1979), Babbel (1985), Browne and Kim (1993), Outreville (1996) and Rubayah and Zaidi (2000) verified that life insurance demand has a positive relationship with income. It shows when income increase, it can create more opportunity the life insurance becomes more affordable for people. In the study of Browne and Kim (1993), disposable personal income refers to the national income. It is defined as when the depreciation (capital consumption) and indirect business taxes have been taken away from GNP. National income is a more accurate measurement of disposable personal income for a country than GNP or GDP because national income is the income earned by the various production factors; it is refer to Browne and Kim (1993). Meanwhile, Outreville (1996) relates the income variable in his study as the real disposable income per capita. GDP is used as the basis for the disposable personal income. The income variable is expressed in linear form and in logarithmic form. On the other hand, Rubayah and Zaidi (2000) identified GDP and income per capita have been the two types of income variable in their study. Income per capita is defined as the GDP divided by the size of the population. In the initial stage, both the GDP and income per capita are found to have a positive relationship with the demand for life insurance but are not significant. It is only when stepwise regression analysis is applied in the later stage that GDP appears to have a significant positive relationship with the demand for life insurance but income per capita has been aborted. This is because income per capita contains the element of GDP and therefore multicollinearity exists because the two income variables are highly correlated. Inflation. If income has a positive relationship with demand for life insurance, it is different when Browne and Kim (1993) and Outreville (1996) did their research to find relationship for inflation. From their research, it shows that inflation has a significant negative relationship with life insurance demand. Inflation gives a diminishing effect on the amount of insurance purchased in a country. Consequently, it makes the value of life insurance eroded. As the result, it leads to the situation where insurance become less desirable good. High inflation tends to cause the purchasing of life insurance to be less attractive because of the rising cost of living. Meanwhile, Cargill and Troxel (1979) and Rubayah and Zaidi (2000) have revealed different result. Their findings are not in line with the findings of Browne and Kim (1993) and Outreville (1996). Measured up to between these two research, it has found Cargill and Troxel (1979) comparatively defined savings model (i.e. the model that takes into account the changes in policy loans besides the changes in life insurance reserves/savings and dividend accumulations) produce a significant result with the expected negative sign for this variable. It shows a week relationship between life insurance savings and price expectation. Meanwhile different with the findings of Rubayah and Zaidi (2000) it shows between inflation rates and the demand for life insurance has a significant positive relationship An average inflation rate for the last eight years, Browne and Kim (1993) has used an average inflation to represent the expected inflation rate. Meanwhile, Outreville (1996) uses a weighted average of realised price changes over the last five years as a measure of anticipated price change. Therefore, in Cargill and Troxel (1979) the price expectation in the study refers to the percentage changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) over a period of 14 months. Moreover, Rubayah and Zaidi (2000) used in the same way apply the CPI as a basis for the anticipated rate of inflation in their study. A part from the research, in Cargill and Troxel (1979) the price expectation in the study refers to the percentage changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) over a period of 14 months based on the data contained in the Livingston Survey that have been revised by Carlson. Similarly, Rubayah and Zaidi (2000) use the CPI as a basis for the anticipated rate of inflation in their study. Interest Rate. The findings on the relationship between interest rates and the demand for life insurance are questionable. Cargill and Troxel (1979) examine two kinds of interest rates in their study: the competing yield on other savings products and the return earned by life insurers. The findings on the competing yield are inconsistent. However, the competing yield tends to be negatively related to life insurance savings. A higher interest rate on alternative savings products tends to cause insurance products to become less attractive as a savings instrument. The yield on newly issued AAA utility bonds is used to represent all the competing rates of return on alternative savings products. Cargill and Troxel (1979) include the current and twelve-quarter distributed lag variables of competing yields in their study. The lag variables are included to reflect the delayed reactions of savers towards new information regarding interest rates on savings because changes in interest rates are assumed to produce a lagged response. Likewise, the findings on the return earned by life insurers are mixed. However, the return earned by life insurers is frequently positively related to life insurance savings. Life insurers earning a higher rate of return tend to attract individuals to purchase insurance from them. The yield on industrial bonds placed privately with a representative group of life insurance companies is used as a proxy for the return earned by life insurers. It is the new money rate of return earned by the life insurers, not the average rate of return on the invested funds. Similar to the competing yield, the current and twelve-quarter distributed lags of the return earned by life insurers are included in the models to investigate the immediate and lagged responses of changes in interest rates on life insurance demand. Outreville (1996) has shown that the demand for life insurance has not determined by the interest rate such as the real interest rate and the lending rate. The real interest rate is obtained by subtracting the anticipated inflation from the current bank discount rate. For the meantime, there are three types of interest rated, which are the personal savings rate, short-term interest and current interest rate has been identified by Rubayah and Zaidi (2000) The personal savings rate and short-term interest rate are found to influence significantly and negatively the demand for life insurance, despite the fact that the current interest rate is found to have no significant effect on life insurance demand. The personal savings rate refers to the interest rate offered by banks on normal savings, the short-term interest rate refers to the interest rate on three-month Treasury Bills, and the current interest rate refers to the base lending rate on bank borrowings. Price of Insurance. From Babble (1985) and Browne and Kim (1993), the findings reported with respect to the effect of price on the demand for life insurance are consistent in the both studies. The price of insurance is significantly and inversely related to the demand for life insurance. A high insurance cost tends to discourage the purchasing of life insurance. The various insurance price indices in the study of Babbel (1985) are the net present cost per 1000 present-valued unit of insurance expected to be in force over any arbitrary time horizon selected based on the published policy values for a male of age 35. Specifically, the price index refers to the ratio of the present value of expected premium cost, net of dividends and accumulations of cash values, per 1000 present-valued unit of indemnification benefits expected to be received, in excess of the actuarially fair cost. Two different discount rates, namely the yields of 10-year prime grade municipal bonds and double-A-rated corporate bonds, are used to discount the expected future cash flows from the policies. Browne and Kim (1993) use the policy loading charge as the price measure. It is the ratio of the life insurance premiums to the amount of insurance in force. In fact, it is the cost per dollar of life insurance coverage. Theoretical Framework INDEPENDENT VIARABLES (IV) Income per Capita Performance of Life and Health Insurance in Malaysia Price of the Product DEPENDENT VARIABLE (DV) Inflation Rates Population Density Figure 1.6.1: Theoretical Framework Sources: Adapted from Shimp, T.A (2003); Pitta, et. Al. (2006); Rowley, (1998); Ndubisi, N.O., and Chew, (2006) Hypotheses Ho : Income per Capita is not significantly related with the performance of life and health insurance in Malaysia. H1 : Income per Capita is significantly related with the performance of life and health insurance in Malaysia. Ho : Price of the Product is not significantly related with the performance of life and health insurance in Malaysia. H1 : Price of the Product is significantly related with the performance of life and health insurance in Malaysia. Ho : Inflation rates is not significantly related with the performance of life and health insurance in Malaysia. H1 : Inflation rates is significantly related with the performance of life and health insurance in Malaysia. Ho : Population density is not significantly related with the performance of life and health insurance in Malaysia. H1 : Population density is significantly related with the performance of life and health insurance in Malaysia. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY All data in this study are secondary in nature. Secondary data is used in finding the resources for this study. Secondary data are statistic not gathered for the immediate study at hand, but for some other purpose. The data related to the demand for life insurance are obtained from the following annual reports: the Annual Report of the Insurance Commissioner and the Annual Report of the Director General of Insurance. The researcher has gathered the external information from various types of annual reports: Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Economic Report, Annual Insurance Report of the Bank Negara Malaysia. Materials obtained online are gathered from the official websites of BNM and Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE). Besides, the sources like books, newspapers, journals and internet that were relevant to the research topic were used. All the sources have been referred throughout the findings and analysis of the research. Researcher will analyze the data gathered to proof the evidence that various macroeconomic factors influenced the growth and performance of life and health insurance in Malaysia. Scope of the study Basically the scope of this study focuses on the macroeconomic variables ie income per capita, inflation rates, price of the product and population density that effect the performance of life and health insurance in Malaysia. There are lots of other macroeconomic variables that can be contributed to the economic growth of Malaysia but this research shall only involved four key factor as for the remaining balance of variables can be included in the future studies as an extension from this research.The research area for this study is from Malaysia perspective only and the time frame shall be from 1998 to 2008 only. Data Analysis E Views version 6.0 applications were used by the researcher to analyze the data that have been gathered throughout the research process. The data need to be analyzed in order to obtain accurate answer for the question. The Multiple Regression Model will be used to predict the relationships in the construct. The Regression assumptions with respect to autocorrelation (independent of residual), normality (residual is normally distributed), homoscedasticity of error terms, multicollinearity of independent variables will be verified before making any interpretation of the statistical results.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Agriculture industry
Agriculture is an art, science and industry of managing the growth of plants and animals for human use. In broad sense, agriculture includes cultivation of the soil, growing and harvesting the crops, breeding and raising livestock, daring and forestry. Modern agriculture is engineering and technology based. Therefore, mechanization has eased much of the back breaking toil to the farmer. Agriculture is the backbone of economy of most of the countries of the world.About 48 percent of world's labour force is engaged with agriculture. For some countries, agriculture is the major source of foreign exchange for example Sri Lanka depends upon tea, Denmark specializes in dairy products and Australia in wool. Nations depends on agriculture not only for food but for national income and raw materials for industry as well, trade in agriculture is a constant international concern. Agricultural scientists are of opinion that, about 40% of 37 million acre land of the world may be considered cultiva ble.Today, only 5. 5 million sq miles (10% to 11%) of the land surface is actually cultivated. It is fact that nature sets the outer limits of manââ¬â¢s potential resources, because physical limitation, like temperature, rainfall, soil character and physiography, fix up the outer limit of cultivable land. Factors Governing Agriculture: Today, agriculture has become an industry. Therefore, like all other industries, its development depends upon multiple factors.Basically, physical environment imposes limits on the distribution of agricultural activity but cultural environment at the same time has its own importance for this activity because, agricultural patterns in the world are the result of interaction among the influences exerted by the physical, economic and social factors. The factors of agriculture can be divided into following classification. I. Physical Factors II. Human Factors / Non Physical Factors A. Economic Factors B. Political Factors C. Social / Cultural Factors P hysical Factors of Agriculture:Manââ¬â¢s agricultural activities depend on the physical environment in which he lives although he often has tried to minimize the restrictions imposed by the natural conditions. Nature in its diverse manifestations provides man in different areas with a variety of possibilities for development. To examine the agricultural activity of man in the world, it is necessary to know about the natural and physical factors of the world, which are as follows: 1. Terrain 2. Climate 3. Soils 4. Water Resources 5. Forest Cover 1. Terrain:Many agricultural geographers have analysed the influences of terrain on agriculture and it indeed plays a significant role in land-use variation. The three most significant aspects of terrain are: (i). Attitude (ii). Slope (iii). Drainage texture (i). Attitude: The primary consequence of altitude is decrease in air pressure with the increase in elevation. At the height of 3500 m and above the decreased atmospheric pressure caus es nausea and agricultural activities cannot be carried out despite conditions being favourable to numerous domesticated plants.Usually the rarefied air of the high mountains increased transpiration rates of plants, which unfortunately restricts growth. In tropics, altitude is of special significance for utilization of the land for agriculture. Modification in temperature and not infrequently in humidity conditions associated with increasing elevation make these areas habitable for farming communities. The important secondary consequences of increasing elevation, both agronomically and economically significant are decreased temperature, increased precipitation, increased wind velocity, poor soil and rugged relief.All these factors a negative role on agricultural activity and they minimize the agriculture and agricultural products. Even increase in precipitation on elevations are has significant role for agriculture because at those place moisture results in snowfall which makes agri culture very difficult. (ii). Slope: Slope of land is also one of the important physiographic aspects influencing the agricultural land use of an area. It is universal fact that with increase in steepness of slope the use of even very simple farm machinery becomes difficult. Steep slopes are generally avoided by farmers.Livestock farming may be equally effected by slope. It is difficult for animals to more on and graze in the pasture situated on very steep slopes. Accessibility is the most potent factor in agricultural land-use in mountainous regions at any slope or elevation, and inaccessibility at places can put all the development efforts in reverse gear. Easy access is essential specially for perishable agricultural commodities like vegetable and fruits grown in mountainous area, although technological developments have reduced its significance. Milk and meat cannot be kept for a long time and need quick transportation.Soil erosion is a major problem of almost every slope. Soil erosion affects the agricultural activity of that area moreover the arrangements of irrigation cannot be easily made on the hilly areas with slopes. Sunshine is another issue related with slpe. Agriculture is practiced only at sun facing slopes. The slopes which do not receive direct rays of sun are unable to grow crops. (iii). Drainage Texture: Drainage texture is expressed as the total length of streams per unit area, while its reciprocal is the distance between two adjacent channels.These are two important parameters by which one can estimate soil erosion. The critical value of drainage density per square km which may cause faster soil erosion. The heartland of water erosion areas satisfy almost all the requisites of soil erosion. Soil erosion from cultivated fields, grazing lands, forest areas and the catchment areas of big rivers affects a nationââ¬â¢s agricultural economy as a whole. Accelerated erosion produces abnormal quantities of sand, silt, and shingle that are carrie d from the field and stream system and deposited on the lower land, lessening its productivity.Excessive water erosion areas coincide approximately with the areas of confluence of many tributaries or areas of joints and cracks. 2. Climate: Climate controls agriculture more than any other factor. The pole-ward limit of agriculture is set by the isotherm for the warmest month. Particular climate suits particular crops. Temperature and rainfall are two main controlling factors of agriculture and some others are snow, wind, mist and fog etc. we can make a list of them as. (i). Temperature (ii). Winds (iii). Snow (iv). Humidity (v). Fog (vi). Sunlight (vii). Rainfall (i).Temperature: For plant growth certain upper and lower limits of temperature control the plantation in certain areas temperature of lower limit and temperature of upper limit, certainly control the agricultural activity in the world. While some plants grow in the high temperatures and like rubber, rice, banana, tea, date, oil palm etc. Some plants requires moderate or low temperatures like wheat, barley, almonds and oranges etc. Natural vegetation distribution regions clearly depict temperature control likewise, the agricultural regions and products follows the temperature control.(ii). Winds: Winds and atmospheric pressure exert direct and indirect influence on the agriculture. The zones of trade winds especially eastern corners of continents are not suitable for agriculture due to aridity. High winds generally act as deterrent to the growth of crops in various ways. * Unusual high velocities of winds may damage the standing crops. * Snow drifts and chilled winds may damage the crops. * Hot and dry winds may not allow to grow crops in their areas. (iii). Snow: Snow has its own bearing on livestock and cropping.Snow drift results in loss; and melting of large masses of snow creates floods and water logging. In general, there are two major places where snow falls, i. e. higher elevations and higher l atitude. When snow fall occurs heavily, it blocks the roads, tracks, foot paths. This retards the accessibility to field and markets. In general, it slackens all the agricultural activities of the area. Agricultural activities are resumed with the advent of summer season. Unfortunately huge losses often occur along the streams by sudden flooding caused by a large mass of melting snow.On the other hand, snow cover is advantageous to agriculture because it insulates the ground from extremely low air temperature and retards deep penetration of frost action. This make soil available for cultivation rather more quickly when the snow begins to thaw. (iv). Humidity: Humidity is one of the prominent elements of weather from the farmerââ¬â¢s point of view and plays a significant role in changing agro climatic conditions from place to place. Of the many possible beneficial influences of high atmospheric humidity on plant growth, following are most significant.* Many a plant can absorb mois ture directly from an under saturated air of high humidity. * Humidity affects the photosynthesis in plants. * Most plants grow well in conditions of high atmospheric humidity because very often saturated air stops transpiration. (v). Fog: Fog, that is very thick mist, is really much like low hanging clouds and appears as a dense mass of small water drops in the lower layers of atmosphere. The negative aspect of fog manifests itself when it persists for several consecutive days, blocking the sunââ¬â¢s light. Consequently plant growth is retarded and plants are likely to be attacked by pests and diseases.On the other hand fog and mist are the sources of moisture supply in many areas like crops of tomatoes, peppers, beans and other vegetables can be grown in southern California where fogs are frequent without irrigation and even rainfall does not come in the growing season. (vi). Sunlight: Sunlight is a factor of great physiological importance to plants because it helps in the form ation of chlorophyll. The source of sunlight is the sun and its attribute depends upon the sunshine. The total amount of light that falls on the earth varies from place to place.The intensity, quantity and duration of the sunlight depend upon the latitude, altitude, season and the conditions of the atmosphere at a given place. On all the places on equator, the sun shines for 12 hours a day round the year. However away from the equator towards the poles the days become progressively longer during summer reverse is the case during winter when days are comparatively shorter. This seems to account for the fact that summer crops mature faster than the winter ones since the former can get the needed light and sunshine in the minimum possible period. (vii). Rain Fall:Rain fall is another climate element and major factor is mainly responsible for plant growth and distribution and certain areas for specific plants or agriculture practices etc. Rubber is the tree of the equatorial region, and requires high rain fall uniformly distributed throughout the year. It may be said that rain fall is the most important climatic factor as it determines the potential of any region in terms of crops to be produced, farming system to be adopted, the nature and sequence of farming operations to be followed, and the targets to be achieved in agricultural productivity.The cultivator are more optimistic about a bumper crop, in those seasons when moisture receipts are considerably above normal. In a region where rain fall is confined to a particular season and ground water resources are wanting, a drought will not be an unusual phenomenon. Sometimes the distribution of rain fall is so irregular, not only in amount but also in time and space, that it creates water deficiency everywhere. These variations may produce dry spells. Therefore, the emergence of way ward behavior of rainfall from year to year gives rise to different cropping patterns and imbalances in levels of agricultural produc tivity.3. Soils: Soils constitute the physical base for any agricultural enterprise. Farming is a business and good soil is the part of the farmerââ¬â¢s stock in trade. Together with their fertility and special qualities, soils influence the particular types of food, fibre, horticultural crops and olecultural crops. * Physical characteristics and properties of soil determines the types of the crops and their distribution. * Crop growth is determined to a considerable extent by the amount of nutrients in the soil. The three basic nutrients nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, contribute to soil fertility.* Differences in soil fertility have the greatest impact on agricultural land use throughout the world. Unenlightened farming may lead to the rapid soil exhaustion. Soil resources are very important, and these must be carefully husbanded, so that these are conserved and not exploited. Improvement in water supply to crops, use of chemical fertilizers, and high-yielding exotic seeds , accelerate the rate of cropping intensity but at the same time they may have very harmful effects on the soil. 4. Water Resources:Availability of water to the crops is very much important because without water crops cannot be survived and we cannot think about agriculture at all. On the other hand, sufficient and assured water supply to the farming systems would yield superior, stable, diversified and commercially profitable farming, and a vastly superior living standard to peasant proprietors. Many parts of the world use irrigation for the activity of agriculture. The major sources which are used for irrigation are: (i). Ground water (ii). Surface water (iii). Desalinated water (i). Ground water:Ground water is often called under ground water which occurs below the surface of the earth. On the whole ground water is very unevenly distributed beneath the surface of the land. Moreover, the behavior of such unique storage of underground water is not consistent. It varies from year to year and season to season. Ground water is a major source of irrigation. It can be used from simple Persian wells to modern tube wells. In ovrid areas it is used through Karez system. Judious tapping of ground water resources is the need of the hour for avoiding excessive over draft and depletion of ground water.Water table is also important for agricultural point of view. If water table is too low then (in the absence of surface water source), the area cannot grow crops. The very high water table causes the two dangerous disease of land; water logging and salinity means again the area cannot grow crops. (ii). Surface water: Surface water supply is controlled by several factors such as large quantity of water in the form of rivers, streams, lakes, glaciers, gentle surface gradient and soft land. These make possible the construction of a network of canals.For such schemes, ideal conditions are prevailed in the plains of Niles, Ganges and Indus etc. so that these all plains are inten sively irrigated. The main problems in surface water utilizations are: * Prevention from evaporation in dry lands is a major problem. * Intensive irrigation may invite water logging and salinity. (iii). Desalinated water: The ocean and inland seas are also the source of water. Containing about 93 percent of earthââ¬â¢s water but not usable because of salt and contaminations. It would be great value to areas along the coasts which are in need of supplementing the short supplies of agricultural water.Some attempts have been made to utilize desalinated water for agriculture but this process is no doubt very costly. It has been estimated that at present in the western part of United States desalinated water costs between between fifteen and twenty five times more than irrigation water obtained from rivers or wells. Now in this modern era the constantly expanding need for fresh water for various purposes, especially agricultural and industrial, requires technically and economically fe asible processes for desalination. 5. Forest Cover:In the beginning, agricultural development benefited from forests by the use of natural species to breed more resistant varieties of cultivated crops. In addition to this forest also satisfied manââ¬â¢s material and socio-economic needs. Forest are also important for environmental balance and for charging the ground water. They are also important for providing water for irrigation in terraced we lands in mountains. Forests are badly effected by the agricultural activities of man in many areas of the world but their preservations are very important.A recommended and balanced extent and density of forest cover has to be maintained, so as so keep an ecological balance between man, agricultural land use and natural vegetation cover for achieving an optimum efficiency in agricultural land use at minimum level of hazards and costs in an area. Human / Non Physical Factors: No doubt that Agriculture depends on physical environment but th e socio cultural forces can not be neglected at all. Agricultural activities depend upon interrelated physical and non-physical factors.Non physical factors can be classified as follows: A. Economic Factors B. Political Factors C. Social / Cultural Factors A. Economic Factors: Agriculture provides employment for 48% labour force of the worldââ¬â¢s population. Therefore, its economic importance and development needs proper investment for certain facilities to improve its yields for economic welfare of the farmers and food requirements of the growing world population. The factors of agriculture that need money are known as economic factors of agriculture.(i). Capital (ii). Agricultural Machinery (iii). Transportation (iv). Market (v). Cold storage (vi). Irrigation (vii). Pesticides / Herbicides (viii). Fertilizers (ix). High yielding verities (i). Capital: The capital or investment is the basic requirement for the agricultural activity. To practice the agriculture on modern grounds , a large investment is required. (ii). Agricultural Machinery: To keep pace with changing nature of agricultural process, modern agricultural machinery is required.Now a days combined harvester, threshers, sprinkled irrigation are necessary to gain a handsome productions. (iii). Transportation: The role of faster means of transportation cannot be forgotton in agriculture fruits, vegetables and dairy products are perishable items and they can only bring to the market in the presence of faster means of transportation. The advancements of transportation methods reduces the expenditure and wastage of the agricultural products. (iv). Market: Market place is a very important factor in agriculture.The markets for perishable agricultural products must be located near to the farms to deliver products to consumers as rapidly as possible. (v). Cold storage: Now a days storage / cold storage are too much necessary for agriculture point of view because whole yield of crops cannot be consumed at once. Grain crops required a proper storage in this way, they can be consumed throughout the year for example wheat, vegetables like peas, tomatoes, potatoes required cold storage for preservation. (vi).
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